Compiled By Rabbi Shai Graucher
Perfect Harmony: The beauty of zemiros... and the Torah insights of Rav Chaim Kanievsky
Rav Chaim Kanievsky on Zemiros brings a new and uplifting dimension to our Shabbos tables. Rav Chaim draws upon his vast knowledge of Torah sources to offer us a fascinating look at the prayers and zemiros said at the Shabbos table.
Rav Chaim Kanievsky on Zemiros includes:
- Selected laws and customs of zemiros for Shabbos and Melave Malka
- Many stories about Rav Chaim and his family
- Rav Chaim's comments, ideas, and insights on the words of the zemiros
- Rav Chaim's personal practices
- Full Hebrew text and flowing English translation of the zemiros
- Special long-lasting coated paper