Midreshet Lindenbaum

Welcome to JBC Books. This page and the prices listed are only for students at Midreshet Lindenbaum and orders emanating from this page will only be delivered there.

On this page you will find the sefarim you need in the editions required by your school.
As well as the individual volumes of Torat Chaim required you will also find a set offered as an option. Regarding Tanach a number of different options are here.
Please note that the sefarim are on two pages
If you cannot find what you want, are having problems navigating or would just like some advice do not hesitate to e-mail me, Michael Rose, at rosem4294@gmail.com.

JBC offers special prices to Midreshet Lindenbaum students Any available discount is automatically applied when the product is added to your cart (once you are logged in). No further action is required.

To guarantee that your books are waiting for you on your arrival please make sure to order by August 30th

                   Required Texts
1. Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur Machzorim (everyone needs)

2. Tanach - either Koren Hebrew only or with English (everyone needs)

3. Practical Talmud Dictionary ,Jastrow Dictionay or Aramaic Hebrew English Dictionary(Melamed)  -(everyone choose 1)
4. Talman Masechet Rosh Hashana  (everyone needs)  
5. Talman Masechet Megilla  (everyone needs)  
6Talman Masechet Gittin (everyone needs)  
7. Koren Gemara Card  (everyone needs)  

         Class Dependent Texts
8. Torat Chaim Bereishit Volumes One and Two (Parshanut with Rav Klitsner)
9. Chumash Mikraot Gedolot One Volume   (Parshanut with Rav Klitsner)  
10. Tanach with English translation (Parshanut with Rav Klitsner)
11. Torat Chaim Bamidbar ( Bamidbar with Rav Alex Israel)
12. Torat Chaim Bereishit Volume Two (Yaakov-Yosef with Rav Blau)
13. Koren Pirkei Avot (Pirkei Avot B'Iyun with Rabbanit Sally)
14. A Letter in The Scroll (Rabbi Sacks with Rav Alex Israel)

15. Talman Masechet Taanit (Daf Yomi with Rabbanit Sally)
16. Hakdamot L'Peirush HaMishna Rambam L'Am (Rambam with Dr. Ross)
17. Playing Big (Leadership Training with Rabbanit Jennifer Raskas)
18.Tehillim Mikraot Gedolot  (The Siddur with Rav Aaron Feigenbaum)